When a Coming Soon listing is entered into connectMLS, a showing restriction will automatically be applied to the listing to prevent any showings from being requested during the entirety of the coming soon period.
MLS users will still see the ShowingTime icon on the listing, and they will even be able to click on it to request a showing appointment for any date/time after the listing has switched from Coming Soon to Active. But all dates during the Coming Soon period will be blacked out so buyer's agents will not be able to try to request a showing before the listing is allowed to be shown:
It is possible to go into the Coming Soon listing worksheet within ShowingTime and set up additional showing restrictions that will go into effect after the listing is activated. For instance, if the seller wants to prevent any showings from being requested first thing in the morning or later in the evening, you can set that up while the listing is still in the Coming Soon status, so the restriction is in place and ready to go once the listing is Active.
If you happen to click on the pencil icon in front of the existing Coming Soon restriction, you will get a popup window reminding you that the listing is still Coming Soon:
If you continue editing the existing Coming Soon restriction, you will override it and make it possible for buyer's agents to request showing appointments during the Coming Soon period (this is strictly forbidden).
Here is a very brief video that demonstrates this feature:
If you need to set up a showing restriction (in addition to the Coming Soon restriction), please make sure to create a new restriction rather than editing the existing Coming Soon restriction.
Related articles :
Warning message when editing a showing restriction
ShowingTime Showing Restrictions
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